Den Song habe ich für den Jungen geschrieben ,in den ich mal Verliebt war ..
̲̲м̲̲у̲̲ ̲̲ℓ̲̲.̲̲σ̲̲.̲̲ν̲̲.̲̲є̲̲.̲
He's so Sexy, so CooL
He's the Baddest Boy I've seen
I'm wonderin' why
I only see Him in my dreams
The Love of My Life,
He's the only One for Me
My L-O-V-E, Oh My L-O-V-E

Baby, You're My One and Everything
Ride with me and I'll Take You Far
Explore the World, and Back around
You Lift me Up, and You hold me Down
And you make this team
There's no Couple Like this, Prince & Princess
There's no other Couple like, You & Me
You're the Boy of my Dreams, my Everything
I love this Feeling, your Love is Healing
I need It, I breathe It
No way I'd ever Leave It
I'm so into you, don't what I'd do
Your lLove is so True
It's just Me & my Boo

He's so Sexy, so CooL
He's the Baddest Boy I've seen
I'm wonderin' why
I only see Him in my Dreams
The Love of My Life,
He's the only One for Me
My L-O-V-E, oh My L-O-V-E

I'v never Thought I'd Find another Love Like This
I'll never Forget the First Time we Kissed
Your Body against Mine
The Touch of Your Skin, Your Lips
Such a Beautiful Kiss, Such a Beautiful Kiss ♥
My L-O-V-E, He elevate Me
He Fly and so Free, was Blind now I See
And without Him, now what would I be
Not what I am, but I'd still be a G
I'd still be Hype, I'd still Shine Bright
But who'd Be There to Hold me so Tight
Who'd Be There when it's lonely at Night
My Wife, so Right, The Love of My Life

He's so Sexy, so CooL
She's the Baddest Boy I've seen
I'm wonderin' why
I only see Him in My Dreams
The Love of My Life,
He's The only One for Me
My L-O-V-E, oh My L-O-V-E

We're so Picture Perfect, I Can't Imagine
My Life without You (L-O-V-E)
It's Like I'm Floatin on Air, whenever You're Here
Baby Come with Me and I'll Take you There

He's so Sexy, so CooL
He's The Baddest Boy I've seen
I'm wonderin' why
I only see Him in My Dreams
The Love of My Life,
He's The only One for Me
My L-O-V-E, oh My L-O-V-E

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