This is how a guy should treat a girl

Hugs from behind.

Grab her hand when you walk next to each other (don't make her grab yours).

When standing, wrap your arms around her.

Forgive her for her mistakes.

Look at her like she's the only girl you see.

Cuddle with her.

Don't force her to do anything!!!!

Write her notes.

Compliment her Honestly.

When you hug her, hold her in your arms as long as possible.

Call her at night to wish her sweet dreams.

When she crys do whatever to make her smile.

Love her with all your heart.

Pick her up and flirt with her (she'll scream and say put me down but really she loves it).

Don't let your friends talk trash about her, it'll get back to her!

Don't ever act different in front of your friends than you are when its just you and her!!!!

Leave her cute text messages.

Kiss her in front of your friends.

Trust her over everyone else.

Tell her she looks beautiful.

Look her in the eye when you talk to her.

Tell her stupid jokes to make her laugh.

Let her mess with your hair.

Mess with her hair.

Tickle her even if she says stop.

Hold her hand even when you are around your friends.

Let her fall asleep in your arms.

Stay up with her all night when she's sick.

Give her the world.

Write her letters

When she's sad, hang out with her.

Let her know she is important.

Let her take all the photos of you she wants.

And when you fall in love with her, tell her.

And when you do tell her.. Love her like you never loved before.! ♥

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